KCB had an amazing weekend at Woodwind HT this past weekend! It was Benny's upgrade to Prelim, Hanna and Mustards upgrade to intermediate and Jamie and Juliets best Prelim result yet! Jamie and Hanna also showed sales horses of Jessie's at the training level and killed it! 

  Lauren and Benny had an amazing show and rocked their first prelim! Benny is a green 6 yo and Lauren made it look  ridiculously easy! Their dressage test was beautiful (as always) with some minor mistakes in the canter. Their show jump round was awesome!! Benny had two rails due to spookiness (giant butterflies etc.) Finally they flew through XC like champs!! At the end of the day Lauren and Benny brought home a 4th place ribbon!!!! GO BENNY! 

    Hanna and Mustard had an unreal first Intermediate! They started the day off, way too early in the morning, with dressage! Dressage has been the focus of their training for the past three weeks (since hanna bought him 3 weeks ago). it was all looking promising in the trot work.. he nailed the shoulder in and travers. then came the turn on the haunches to canter transition.... Mustard got so excited to canter, and was jumping out of his skin! Long story short, it got pretty "cray-cray". After dressage was finished they had a flawless stadium and produced a clear round! Their first intermediate and a clear round! shortly after was xc and Mustard could not have been better! he was flying over the fences like they were cross rails and going intermediate speed like it was his day job. They came in with just 4 time faults and finished 2nd overall! GO MUSTARD!
Watch Mustards stadium and xc HERE

Mustard and Hanna at fence 2
Achilles in stadium!
Hanna also showed Achilles Heel in Training level and came 2nd place! had 1 rail in stadium and a clear cross country! See Achilles at Woodwind HERE GO ACHILLES!!

    Jamie and Juliet had their best Prelim show yet! They had an amazing dressage with no mistakes! After dressage they were placed 2nd!!! Since Jamie has had Juliet there has always been intense training to better her dressage, but in this past year Jamie and Juliet have been rocking the dressage rings and constantly been placing in the top after dressage! AMAZING! Then it was time for stadium. Jamie produced and amazing round with just 1 rail. See Jamies show jump round HERE. shortly after stadium they headed over to xc warm up. with confusion about start times, Jamie had 2 minutes to warm up! as jamie was walking in warm up the starter was calling her number with 2 minutes until go time! jamie and jules had to quickly pick up, jump a fence, gallop a lap and then they were off! With a clear xc, Jamie said it was one of her crazier xc rounds (Juliet thinks shes still on woodbine sometimes) but they made it around successfully and clear to bring home 1ST PLACE!!!! GO JULIET!!
Jamie and Juliet on xc!!
Jamie also rode Exuberant(Newby) in Training. Newby and Jamie had their best dressage yet (the score doesnt reflect) and an amazing XC round to bring home a fourth place ribbon! GO NEWBY!!

Overall we all had an amazing show and we cant wait to rap up the ontario season with a hat trick victory! See ya there Will O Wind!!

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